Hi! Welcome to La Danza del Tuono
Hi, my name is Annalisa and I am a Soul Catalyst.
I interact and create with the energies of the Creative Void and Liminal Space, that means that my knowledge, experience, and Guides tap into and are from the very same place.
This requires embodying our wild and authentic nature and blend of energies primordial creative energies. It is a space that goes beyond duality and fully embraces the darkness of this sacred space.
These creative energies and consciousness have often been misunderstood, labelled, and tried to be diminished or tamed. They feel the heat of chaos that challenges stuck energies and face those fears that are triggered to embrace the authentic nature of who we are.
It is a place that does not shy away from the sensual and sexual energy that permeates life. It is grounded and anchored in the body and matter, since that is the gateway, the portal to wisdom, Soul and mystical connection to Source and the Universe.
Our Creative Womb (no matter our physical gender) is what anchors our energies into the depth of existence, and Earth. It is the gateway between and across dimensions: ordinary reality, Earth other dimensions and cosmic ones. It also embraces the yet to be known, the unseen and untamed, of creation and destruction, fierce and wild, free. Likewise, it is the place we have learnt to dwell, to let go and dismantle all that was asking to be let go of. It is the difficult place where we learn to have no reference point to trigger transformation. It gives us time and space to blossom to reach our heights of speed and frequency and only then take action, aligned with our truth.
La Danza del Tuono – The Dance of Thunder is the way my path has been unfolding, it is the way I am honouring a vision I received and the way I express myself.
It is a sacred place for me and for those that have always felt different from the way people were experiencing their everyday life, their connection to the Universe, dimensions and other Beings.
I am speaking of those viewed as weird ones, often mislabelled and misunderstood in their ways. Yes, we are the ones who feel and remember we are a pure and direct connection to Source, but felt never seen as such, rather a nuisance. We have been excluded, sometimes disrespected, laughed at or attacked for the way we are.
We do resonate with the Pillars of Wisdom and Knowledge, before religions inflated the world with their dogmas and manipulations, but we do not embrace even the ” love & light spirituality” that is a direct emanation of above dogmas, they carry on the same mechanisms and factions, portraying themselves as the one and only way to attain and be an expression of Love, i.e. an authentic expression of a Being’s essence. Most of us have grown up finding no one similar to us. That’s why experiencing isolation even among people dedicated to their personal growth, we have tried to fit in so much, discarding our insights and inner guidance to fit in. Craving a support and a safe place where to share our experiences and be ourselves. Some of us got even lost, overwhelmed by situations and feelings.
We are the ones who have built a path through experiences and interactions with Beings from other worlds and other dimensions in unconventional ways. Collectives of Consciousnesses (physical Beings astral projecting themselves, Stars, Planets etc.) from the cosmos have been our guides, our beacon, and our source of knowledge. They have been taken on different path creating unique and authentic way, that of the Truth of Soul, free of dogma. Beings that are sometimes considered as “the bad guys” or “a-moral” or diminished simply because they do not fit in the spiritual narratives going around, as if it were up to humans to lay down the laws of the Universe.
The path was so challenging for us that sometimes we have even doubted of our sanity. It has happened and still happens that whenever we share our experiences and knowledge with others imbued with distorted beliefs (love and light people included), well, that triggers their reactions of uneasiness, or annoyance, anger. We are showing something different from the path “validated by spirituality, that shakes the beliefs on what is considered possible or not, and what ways, shapes, and forms love, and connection are allowed to have. The New Age is not for us either. We are meant to be beyond duality and our blend of energies of consciousness is love whenever it is expressed authentically and aligned, not matter the form and shape we take on. We are not attacking anyone; we use our words to speak out loud those ancient codes of freedom.
Most of us even decided to walk alone and held tightly to our own sacred fire, when no land or no one was there for us. I am there for those who have chosen themselves and feel the inner call and thirst to explore and embrace their energies blueprint.
So, this is a place for those who know that all dimensions exist here in this reality, even if our physical eyes do not always see them. Likewise, they know that it is the totality of our body and energetic systems that interacts with dimensions and Beings, anchoring experiences, our worlds, and truths through our everyday lives.
It is the space inviting ourselves to let go of any disbelief about us and release the hooks with those people and situations wants us to give up and hide.
Even those who resonate with Consciousness of being a fractal of ancient Forces, in their different aspects, forms, and wisdom, are most welcome. I mean, we are being asked to embody layers of that original and free Consciousness and Knowledge within ourselves and live them through our lives, not mimicking any supposed to be pompous dude.
We are a blend of Beings, of different dimensions, that is why I often use the term creatures when I am speaking, to identify the wonderful blend of wisdom and energies that are asking to be anchored within our bodies and expressed through our lives.
We bridge worlds of authenticity, travel across dimensions, owning all our aspects and shapeshifting to the most functional and our empowered version.
We might have been labelled as weird, rebellious, too much whatever was triggering other people’s beliefs, but we know and see the threads and knots of the Universe and their Truths, we feel them. Every one of us has their blueprint and different ways of expression, and we are asked to embody our unapologetic traits and voices. Our Words and Ways are catalyst, once we embrace and surrender to our authentic nature, they are like the energy of lightning and thunder that shake consciousness, dissolve the old and create space for a new reality aligned with our own purpose to thrive.
My Blog is a window into some of my worlds. In specific, The Voice of Thunder collects my insights and experiences lived with those whom I call Thunder Beings and who have always walked along with me and supported me with their wisdom, presence, and energy through my life journey. They are a Consciousness that stretches beyond time and space and yet they also experience existence within the Cosmos and are deeply connected to creative forces and wisdom in this and other realities.