After the events that have catalysed my alchemical transformation over the past few years, with a final twist that began in Ireland last May, I thought I would focus my attention on the book I wrote.
“Atlantide il Cammino delle Stelle” (Edizioni Aurora Boreale) is indeed a novel, but it tells of the memories that have surfaced within me about another planet belonging to the “Atlantis constellation”, a project involving several planets in different space, time and dimensions.
The focus, however, cannot be on the past and its rewriting.
Eons ago, the seeds of the multidimensional being that is the human being were planted, even here on Earth. Since then, mankind has had to walk a long road to find the thread, the strands, of their own essence with those abilities and talents that have been deliberately kept at a distance and separated from consciousness and awareness.
This does not change or invalidate who we really are.
This is why the book consists of two parts: memories and present awareness, embracing events from my childhood to the present day.
The story, emotions, places and characters are a vehicle to share teachings: awareness, vibration, alignment, timelines that rewrite the present into a ‘future past’ to decolonise the mind, ways of thinking and create the new.
The story, emotions, places, and characters are a vehicle to share teachings: awareness, vibration, alignment, timelines that rewrite the present into a ‘future past’ to decolonise the mind, ways of thinking and create the new.
This is to create questions and acknowledge the answers stored in our body, in our creative centre, which by its very nature is totally anchored in the reality and therefore knows how to be across other dimensions, inner and other ones.
Answers are personal.
Each of us has gone through, is going through or will go through an alchemical process that will give rise to the new, which by its nature cannot be known in advance, before the gateway.
Those Blue Beings I speak about in the book, my mind and awareness have always translated them as ‘Thunder Beings’ (Beings connected to the creative void, beyond space and time and yet within them, travelling across dimensions and participating in transformation and Creation).
The sound and vibration this name has for me, together with the images and sensations I experience and receive through it, and through my interaction with these Beings, is the way my mind and awareness have translated a multidimensional language into a time and space that is finite. It is the filter born from the experiences I have had through my own body in my life over a time from my childhood to the present day. In the same way that each of us does by translating a set of electromagnetic impulses loaded with information into thoughts, words, images, and definitions that arise from our authentic awareness.
The more the channel is cleared of its own and others’ resistance, as well as of acquired structures, the more authentic the experience is in its expression.
Everyone expresses the Universe differently, and has a taste, a sound that is their own.
Now is the time to express that sound with those personal details that make the difference. For many years I have been ‘serving others’ with my ability to connect with dimensions through coaching techniques, shamanic practices, akashic records reading and the reactivation of cosmic frequencies, thus employing all those tools and teachings received during my personal training and interacting with those Beings, my collective. That was my way of being there to serve, to be of help, support and or guidance so that the person could acknowledge their inner guidance and connect ‘their dots’, retrieving the power of their connections. Now it is time for me to surrender into the dance and embrace of that connection and let the world I wish to live and tell of flow from there. It is a sacred union.
My intention is to make that change possible and real, that new we want to manifest here, now. Our passions and dreams are our driving force, creating wonder and inspiring change. You don’t have to take on my beliefs, visions and structures, these change and expand as my own awareness.
Creating change means letting go of a balance that no longer expresses the totality of our being, letting go of that identity we had taken on, and instead opening up to the not yet known or foretold, it means walking for a while in the dark trusting that voice and that feeling that come from the soul and its / her connections.
Everything happens in a time over which we have no control. What is important is to ask questions, to be curious and eager to find the answers that address a deep, physical, delicious feeling that is proper to the soul and yearn to finally come out to the surface. Now is the time to make your voice heard.
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