Do not be afraid of who you are, welcome the world with your heart, you are love, stand up, resolute, walk the world, warm the hearts of those you come cross, you can be whatever you choose to be.
The choice is within you, do not be afraid, you are brothers and sisters.
Sing, dance, rejoice for yourselves and for others as well.
You are like flowers on Earth, bloom and be light, full of hope and love, because you are not alone, you have never been such.
Remember of yourselves
Love each other and give love.
Keep still with those who pierce you, do not give in, continue and you will move them on. Nothing is permanent, everything changes.
Follow the Earth.
Arm yourself with Love and continue the journey.
Nurture hope, bring a smile, the joy of a hug, feel the divine, feel it in yourselves, it is the strength of Love.
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